9#include <QLowEnergyController>
Encapsulates convenience functions for working with capacitance ranges.
QString toString(const PokitProduct product, const quint8 range)
Returns product's capacitance range as a human-friendly string.
quint32 maxValue(const PokitProduct product, const quint8 range)
Returns the maximum value for range in nanofarads, or 0 if range is not a known value for product.
Encapsulates convenience functions for working with current ranges.
QString toString(const PokitProduct product, const quint8 range)
Returns product's current range as a human-friendly string.
quint32 maxValue(const PokitProduct product, const quint8 range)
Returns the maximum value for range in microamps, or 0 if range is not a known value for product.
Encapsulates convenience functions for working with resistance ranges.
QString toString(const PokitProduct product, const quint8 range)
Returns product's current range as a human-friendly string.
quint32 maxValue(const PokitProduct product, const quint8 range)
Returns the maximum value for range in ohms, or 0 if range is not a known value for product.
Encapsulates convenience functions for working with voltage ranges.
quint32 maxValue(const PokitProduct product, const quint8 range)
Returns the maximum value for range in millivolts, or 0 if range is not a known value for product.
QString toString(const PokitProduct product, const quint8 range)
Returns product's current range as a human-friendly string.
Declares the PokitProduct enumeration, and related helper functions.
QTPOKIT_EXPORT PokitProduct pokitProduct(const QBluetoothDeviceInfo &info)
Returns the PokitProduct corresponding the Bluetotoh device info.
Pokit products known to, and supported by, the QtPokit library.
QTPOKIT_EXPORT bool isPokitProduct(const QBluetoothDeviceInfo &info)
Returns true if info describes a Pokit device.
Macro for starting the QtPokit library's top-most namespace (if one is defined).
QtPokit library export/import macro.
Macro for ending the QtPokit library's top-most namespace (if one is defined).