Internal development documentation
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NPokitMeterEncapsulates details specific to Pokit Meter devices
 NPokitProEncapsulates details specific to Pokit Pro devices
 CAbstractCommandConsistent base for the classes that implement CLI commands
 CAbstractPokitServiceCommon base for Pokit services classes
 CAbstractPokitServicePrivatePrivate implementation for AbstractPokitService
 CCalibrateCommandImplements the calibrate CLI command
 CCalibrationServiceAccesses the Calibrartion service of Pokit devices
 CCharacteristicUuidsCharacteristics available via the Calibration service
 CCalibrationServicePrivatePrivate implementation for CalibrationService
 CDataLoggerServiceAccesses the Data Logger service of Pokit devices
 CCharacteristicUuidsCharacteristics available via the DataLogger service
 CMetadataAttributes included in the Metadata characterstic
 CSettingsAttributes included in the Settings characterstic
 CDataLoggerServicePrivatePrivate implementation for DataLoggerService
 CDeviceCommandThe AbstractCommand class extends AbstractCommand to add a PokitDevice instance
 CDeviceInfoServiceAccesses the Device Info service of Pokit devices
 CCharacteristicUuidsCharacteristics available via the Device Info service
 CDeviceInfoServicePrivatePrivate implementation for DeviceInfoService
 CDsoCommandImplements the dso CLI command
 CDsoServiceAccesses the DSO (Digital Storage Oscilloscope) service of Pokit devices
 CCharacteristicUuidsCharacteristics available via the DSO service
 CMetadataAttributes included in the Metadata characterstic
 CSettingsAttributes included in the Settings characterstic
 CDsoServicePrivatePrivate implementation for DsoService
 CFlashLedCommandImplements the flash-led CLI command
 CInfoCommandImplements the info CLI command
 CLoggerFetchCommandImplements the logger CLI command
 CLoggerStartCommandImplements the logger CLI command
 CLoggerStopCommandImplements the logger stop CLI command
 CMeterCommandImplements the meter CLI command
 CMultimeterServiceAccesses the Multimeter service of Pokit devices
 CCharacteristicUuidsCharacteristics available via the Multimeter service
 CReadingAttributes included in the Reading characterstic
 CSettingsAttributes included in the Settings characterstic
 CMultimeterServicePrivatePrivate implementation for MultimeterService
 CPokitDeviceSimplifies Pokit device access
 CPokitDevicePrivatePrivate implementation for PokitDevice
 CPokitDiscoveryAgentDiscovers nearby Pokit devices
 CPokitDiscoveryAgentPrivatePrivate implementation for PokitDiscoveryAgent
 CScanCommandImplements the scan CLI command, by scanning for nearby Pokit Bluetooth devices
 CSetNameCommandImplements the set-name CLI command
 CSetTorchCommandImplements the set-torch CLI command
 CStatusCommandImplements the status CLI command
 CStatusServiceAccesses the Pokit Status service of Pokit devices
 CCharacteristicUuidsCharacteristics available via the Pokit Status service
 CDeviceCharacteristicsAttributes included in the Device Characteristics characterstic
 CServiceUuidsUUIDs of the Pokit Status service
 CStatusAttributes included in the Status characterstic
 CStatusServicePrivatePrivate implementation for StatusService