Internal development documentation
▼NPokitMeter | Encapsulates details specific to Pokit Meter devices |
▼Nanonymous_namespace{pokitmeter.cpp} | |
CPrivate | |
▼NPokitPro | Encapsulates details specific to Pokit Pro devices |
▼Nanonymous_namespace{pokitpro.cpp} | |
CPrivate | |
CPrivate | |
CAbstractCommand | Consistent base for the classes that implement CLI commands |
CAbstractPokitService | Common base for Pokit services classes |
CAbstractPokitServicePrivate | Private implementation for AbstractPokitService |
CCalibrateCommand | Implements the calibrate CLI command |
▼CCalibrationService | Accesses the Calibrartion service of Pokit devices |
CCharacteristicUuids | Characteristics available via the Calibration service |
CCalibrationServicePrivate | Private implementation for CalibrationService |
▼CDataLoggerService | Accesses the Data Logger service of Pokit devices |
CCharacteristicUuids | Characteristics available via the DataLogger service |
CMetadata | Attributes included in the Metadata characterstic |
CSettings | Attributes included in the Settings characterstic |
CDataLoggerServicePrivate | Private implementation for DataLoggerService |
CDeviceCommand | The AbstractCommand class extends AbstractCommand to add a PokitDevice instance |
▼CDeviceInfoService | Accesses the Device Info service of Pokit devices |
CCharacteristicUuids | Characteristics available via the Device Info service |
CDeviceInfoServicePrivate | Private implementation for DeviceInfoService |
CDsoCommand | Implements the dso CLI command |
▼CDsoService | Accesses the DSO (Digital Storage Oscilloscope) service of Pokit devices |
CCharacteristicUuids | Characteristics available via the DSO service |
CMetadata | Attributes included in the Metadata characterstic |
CSettings | Attributes included in the Settings characterstic |
CDsoServicePrivate | Private implementation for DsoService |
CFlashLedCommand | Implements the flash-led CLI command |
CInfoCommand | Implements the info CLI command |
CLoggerFetchCommand | Implements the logger CLI command |
CLoggerStartCommand | Implements the logger CLI command |
CLoggerStopCommand | Implements the logger stop CLI command |
CMeterCommand | Implements the meter CLI command |
▼CMultimeterService | Accesses the Multimeter service of Pokit devices |
CCharacteristicUuids | Characteristics available via the Multimeter service |
CReading | Attributes included in the Reading characterstic |
CSettings | Attributes included in the Settings characterstic |
CMultimeterServicePrivate | Private implementation for MultimeterService |
CPokitDevice | Simplifies Pokit device access |
CPokitDevicePrivate | Private implementation for PokitDevice |
CPokitDiscoveryAgent | Discovers nearby Pokit devices |
CPokitDiscoveryAgentPrivate | Private implementation for PokitDiscoveryAgent |
CPrivate | |
CRatio | |
CScanCommand | Implements the scan CLI command, by scanning for nearby Pokit Bluetooth devices |
CSetNameCommand | Implements the set-name CLI command |
CSetTorchCommand | Implements the set-torch CLI command |
CStatusCommand | Implements the status CLI command |
▼CStatusService | Accesses the Pokit Status service of Pokit devices |
CCharacteristicUuids | Characteristics available via the Pokit Status service |
CDeviceCharacteristics | Attributes included in the Device Characteristics characterstic |
CServiceUuids | UUIDs of the Pokit Status service |
CStatus | Attributes included in the Status characterstic |
CStatusServicePrivate | Private implementation for StatusService |