11#include <QCoreApplication>
12#include <QLoggingCategory>
52 qCWarning(lc).noquote() << Private::tr(
"Unknown CurrentRange value: %1").arg((
90 qCWarning(lc).noquote() << Private::tr(
"Unknown ResistanceRange value: %1").arg((
124 qCWarning(lc).noquote() << Private::tr(
"Unknown VoltageRange value: %1").arg((
Encapsulates convenience functions for working with current ranges.
Encapsulates details specific to Pokit Meter devices.
QTPOKIT_EXPORT QString toString(const CurrentRange &range)
Returns range as a user-friendly string.
@ _60V
Up to 60V DC (42V AC).
static Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lc, "dokit.pokit.products.meter", QtInfoMsg)
Logging category for this file.
QTPOKIT_EXPORT quint32 maxValue(const CurrentRange &range)
Returns the maximum value for range in microamps, or 0 if range is not a known value for Pokit Meter ...
Encapsulates convenience functions for working with resistance ranges.
Encapsulates convenience functions for working with voltage ranges.
Declares the PokitMeter namespace.