9#include <QBluetoothDeviceInfo>
10#include <QCommandLineParser>
11#include <QLoggingCategory>
QString deviceToScanFor
Device (if any) that were passed to processOptions().
AbstractCommand(QObject *const parent=nullptr)
Constructs a new command with parent.
virtual QStringList supportedOptions(const QCommandLineParser &parser) const
Returns a list of CLI option names supported by this command.
static quint32 parseNumber(const QString &value, const QString &unit, const quint32 sensibleMinimum=0)
Returns value as an integer multiple of the ratio R.
virtual void deviceDiscovered(const QBluetoothDeviceInfo &info)=0
Handles PokitDiscoveryAgent::pokitDeviceDiscovered signal.
PokitDiscoveryAgent * discoveryAgent
Agent for Pokit device descovery.
OutputFormat format
Selected output format.
Supported output formats.
@ Text
Plain unstructured text.
@ Csv
RFC 4180 compliant CSV text.
@ Json
RFC 8259 compliant JSON text.
static Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lc, "dokit.cli.command", QtInfoMsg)
Logging category for UI commands.
virtual bool start()=0
Begins the functionality of this command, and returns true if begun successfully, false otherwise.
virtual QStringList processOptions(const QCommandLineParser &parser)
Processes the relevant options from the command line parser.
virtual void deviceDiscoveryFinished()=0
Handles PokitDiscoveryAgent::deviceDiscoveryFinished signal.
static QString escapeCsvField(const QString &field)
Returns an RFC 4180 compliant version of field.
virtual QStringList requiredOptions(const QCommandLineParser &parser) const
Returns a list of CLI option names required by this command.
The PokitDiscoveryAgent class discovers nearby Pokit devices.
QObject * parent() const const
Global QtPokit library macros.
Macro for befriending a related unit test class, but only when QT_TESTLIB_LIB is defined.