14#include <QLoggingCategory>
15#include <QLowEnergyController>
16#include <QLowEnergyConnectionParameters>
The CalibrationService class accesses the Calibrartion service of Pokit devices.
The DataLoggerService class accesses the Data Logger service of Pokit devices.
The DeviceInfoService class accesses the Device Info service of Pokit devices.
The DsoService class accesses the DSO (Digital Storage Oscilloscope) service of Pokit devices.
The MultimeterService class accesses the Multimeter service of Pokit devices.
PokitDevicePrivate(PokitDevice *const q)
Constructs a new PokitDevicePrivate object with public implementation q.
void connected() const
Handle connected signals.
DeviceInfoService * deviceInfo
Device Info service for this Pokit device.
void disconnected() const
Handle disconnected signals.
QMutex deviceInfoMutex
Mutex for protecting access to deviceInfo.
QMutex multimeterMutex
Mutex for protecting access to multimeter.
DsoService * dso
DSO service for this Pokit device.
void errorOccurred(QLowEnergyController::Error newError) const
Handle error signals.
QMutex dsoMutex
Mutex for protecting access to dso.
QMutex calibrationMutex
Mutex for protecting access to calibration.
void stateChanged(QLowEnergyController::ControllerState state) const
Handle stateChanged signals.
void setController(QLowEnergyController *newController)
Sets newController to be used for accessing Pokit devices.
QMutex dataLoggerMutex
Mutex for protecting access to dataLogger.
StatusService * status
Status service for this Pokit device.
void connectionUpdated(const QLowEnergyConnectionParameters &newParameters) const
Handle connectionUpdated signals.
CalibrationService * calibration
Calibration service for this Pokit device.
QLowEnergyController * controller
BLE controller for accessing the Pokit device.
void discoveryFinished() const
Handle discoveryFinished signals.
QMutex statusMutex
Mutex for protecting access to status.
PokitDevice * q_ptr
Internal q-pointer.
MultimeterService * multimeter
Multimeter service for this Pokit device.
void serviceDiscovered(const QBluetoothUuid &newService) const
Handle serviceDiscovered signals.
static Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lc, "pokit.ble.controller", QtInfoMsg)
Logging category.
DataLoggerService * dataLogger
Data Logger service for this Pokit device.
The PokitDevice class simplifies Pokit device access.
The StatusService class accesses the Pokit Status service of Pokit devices.
Global QtPokit library macros.
Macro for befriending a related unit test class, but only when QT_TESTLIB_LIB is defined.
Macro for starting the QtPokit library's top-most namespace (if one is defined).
QtPokit library export/import macro.
Macro for ending the QtPokit library's top-most namespace (if one is defined).